氏名 (Name):ZHANG Yimeng(張 伊夢)

出身地 (Country of Origin):Chongqing, China (中国重慶)

出身大学 (Previous university):Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University (立命館アジア太平洋大学)

  • Hobbies:
  • Travelling, reading and photography
  • Research interests:
  • Tourism development and environment conservation
  • Life history:
  • I am interested in environmental geography. I was motivated by the landscapes that I saw at one point. Since my childhood, I had been to many places with my mother. Every time I have been intoxicated in amazing surroundings, I could not help wanting to discover the uncanny workmanship of nature. I was curious about the formation of the natural landscape and geographical changes over time and I want to find the balance between environmental protection and economic development. Therefore, I started my study on environment and development.