Printed materials (印刷物)
Xiang, S., Watanabe, T. (2024) A new partnership framework for education with geoparks at its core: a proposal through the evaluation of the school education program in Shikaoi, Japan. Geotourism/Geoturyka, 2024, Nos 3-4 (in press).
Sun, Y., Nepal, S.K., Watanabe, T. (2024) Tourism-generated energy use characteristics and sustainability transitions. Tourism Geographies, 26, 7, 1111-1133;
Meng, Y., Watanabe, T., Hayakawa, Y.S., Sawada, Y., Wang, T. (2024) Mapping Earth Hummocks in Daisetsuzan National Park in Japan Using UAV-SfM Framework. Remote Sensing,
Mutimba, K., Watanabe, T. & Chand, M.B. (2024) Land Use Land Cover (LULC) Change Dynamics Associated with Mining Activities in Kitwe District and Adequacy of the Legal Framework on Mine Closure in Zambia. Earth, 5, 110–132;
Byers, A.C., Shrestha, M., Zackary, A., Byers, E.A., Coburn, B., Watanabe, T. & Chand, M.B. (2024) The Changing Ecology of a High Himalayan Valley: Challenges to the Sustainable Development of the Kanchenjunga Conservation Area, Eastern Nepal. Sustainability, 16, 2434;
Watanabe, T., Nakao, F. and Mizushima, K. (2023) Addressing Environmental Issues towards Sustainability in Mountains of Japan. Global Environmental Research, 27, 145-151.
Kobayashi, Y. and Watanabe, T. (2023) Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Trail Repair Works Based on Three-Dimensional Monitoring around Mount Kurodake, Daisetsuzan National Park, Japan. Sustainability, 15(17), 12794;
Ngolo, A.M.E. and Watanabe, T. (2023): Integrating geographical information systems, remote sensing, and machine learning techniques to monitor urban expansion: an application to Luanda, Angola. Geo-spatial Information Science,
Wang, T. and Watanabe, T. (2023) Site sustainability of the unmanaged campsites in Daisetsuzan National Park, Japan: An analysis based on areal camping impacts and use level. Geographical Studies, 98, 1. (accepted)
Bhattarai, N., Watanabe, T., Avtar, R., Karky, B. S., & Thapa, R. B. (2023). Harnessing REDD+ for Community Involvement and Equitable Benefit Distribution: Insights from Dhankuta District, Nepal. J. Green Econ. Low-Carbon Dev., 2(2), 58-71;
Ghimire, M.; Watanabe, T.; Evans, I.S. (2023) Geomorphological significance of the morphometric characteristics of first-order basins in the Siwalik Hills in the Himalayas, Nepal. Physical Geography,
Xu, D.; Guo, X.; Watanabe, T.; Liang, K.; Kou, J.; Jiang, X. (2023) Ecological Security Pattern. Construction in Rural Settlements Based on Importance and Vulnerability of Ecosystem Services: A Case Study of the Southeast Region of Chongqing, China.Sustainability, 15, 7477.
Bhattarai, N., Karky, B.S., Avtar, R., Thapa, R.B. and Watanabe, T. (2023): Are Countries Ready for REDD+ Payments? REDD+ Readiness in Bhutan, India, Myanmar, and Nepal. Sustainability, 15(7), 6078;
Acharya, A., Steiner, J.F., Walizada, K.M., Zakir, Z.H., Ali, S., Gaiserman, A. and Watanabe, T. (2023): Review article: Snow and ice avalanches in high mountain Asia – scientific, local and indigenous knowledge. Natural Hazards and Earth System Science.
Bhattarai, N., Dabal, S., Thapa, S., Pradbananga, S., Karky, B.S., Rawat, R.S., Windborst, K., Watanabe, T., Thapa, R.B. and Avtar, R. (2022): Forest Fire in the Hindu Kush Himalayas: A Major Challenge for Climate Action. Journal of Forest and Livelihood 21(1), 14-31.
Chang, L., Watanabe, T., Xu, H. and Han, J. (2022): Knowledge Mapping on Nepal’s Protected Areas Using CiteSpace and VOSviewer. Land 2022, 11, 1109.
Wang, T. and Watanabe, T. (2022): Monitoring Campsite Soil Erosion by Structure-from-Motion Photogrammetry: A Case Study of Kuro-dake Campsites in Daisetsuzan National Park, Japan. Journal of Environmental Management, 314, 115106;
Byers, A.C., Shugar, D.H., Chand, M., Portocarrero, C., Shrestha, M., Rounce, D. and Watanabe, T. (2022) Three Recent and Lesser-Known Glacier-Related Flood Mechanisms in High Mountain Environments. Mountain Research and Development, 42(2), A12-A22,
Wang, T. and Watanabe, T. (2022): Introducing Management Actions to Unmanaged Campsites in Daisetsuzan National Park, Japan: A Discussion Based on a Reservation System in Taiwan’s National Parks. Land, 11(3), 337;
Thapa, B., Watanabe, T. and D. Regmi (2022): Flood Assessment and Identification of Emergency Evacuation Routes in Seti River Basin, Nepal. Land, 11(1), 82;
Batar, A.K., Shibata, H. and Watanabe, T. (2021): A Novel Approach for Forest Fragmentation Susceptibility Mapping and Assessment: A Case Study from the Indian Himalayan Region. Remote Sensing, 13(20) 4090,
Sun, Y. and Watanabe, T. (2021): Tourism-Related Facility Development in Sagarmatha (Mount Everest) National Park and Buffer Zone, Nepal Himalaya. Land, 10, 925.
Komba, A.W., Watanabe, T., Kaneko, M. and Chand, M.B. (2021): Monitoring of Vegetation Disturbance around Protected Areas in Central Tanzania Using Landsat Time-Series Data. Remote Sensing, 13(9), 1800;
Xiao, J., Watanabe, T., Lu, X., Chand, M.B., Umarhadi, D.A., Chen, X. and Avtar, R. (2021): Integrating land use/land cover change with change in functional zones’ boundary of the East Dongting Lake National Nature Reserve, China. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth,
Xu, H., Han, J. and Watanabe, T. (2021): Investigating the priority of anti-poverty tourism strategy: The case of Sagarmatha National Park in Nepal. Rikkyo University Bulletin of Studies in Tourism, 23, 71-87.
渡辺悌二 (2021): 書評・松倉公憲 『地形学』 (朝倉書店). 地理学論集, 96, 31-32.
渡辺悌二 (2021): 書評・松岡憲和・泉山茂之・楢本 正明・松本 潔 編 『山岳科学』 (古今書院). 地理学評論, 94, 105-106.
Amit, K.B. and Watanabe, T. (2021): Landslide Susceptibility Mapping and Assessment Using Geospatial Platforms and Weights of Evidence (WoE) Method in the Indian Himalayan Region: Recent Developments, Gaps, and Future Directions. International Journal of Geo-Information, 10, 114.
Yu-Pin Lin, Y-P., Wunderlich, R.F., Chiao-Ming Lin, C-M., Uphoff, N., Schmeller, D.S., Shipin, O.V., Watanabe, T., Ngadisih, Mukhtar, H. (2021): Topsoil microbial community structure responds to land cover type and environmental zone in the Western Pacific region. Science of the Total Environment, 764 (2021) 144349,
Chand, M.B. and Watanabe, T. (2020): High-resolution inventory of the glacial lakes in the Ngozompa Glacier basin, Everest Region, Nepal. Bulletin of Nepal Hydrogeological Association, Vol. 5, 61-69
王 婷・渡辺悌二 (2020):台湾の山岳国立公園における野営場の予約制管理制度: 大雪山国立公園の野営指定地への導入のための研究. 地理学論集, 95, 1, 13-31.
Byers, A.C., Chand, M. B., Lala, J., Shrestha, M., Byers, E.A. and Watanabe, T. (2020): Reconstructing the History of Glacial Lake Outburst Floods (GLOF) in the Kanchenjunga Conservation Area, East Nepal: An Interdisciplinary Approach. Sustainability, 12 (13), 5407,
Mawenda, J., Watanabe, T. and Avtar, R. (2020): An Analysis of Urban Land Use/Land Cover Changes in Blantyre City, Southern Malawi (1994–2018). Sustainability, 12(6), 2377;
Chand, M.B., Watanabe, T. (2019): Development of Supraglacial Ponds in the Everest Region, Nepal, between 1989 and 2018. Remote Sensing, 11 (9),
Shirasaka, S. and Watanabe, T. (2019): Characteristics of pastoralism in Karakul, Tajik Pamirs in the northeastern part of Tajikistan. Geographical Space, 12(2). 97-115.
Chang, L. and Watanabe, T. (2019) The Mutual Relationship between Protected Areas and Their Local Residents: The Case of Qinling Zhongnanshan UNESCO Global Geopark, China. Environments 2019, 6(5), 49;
Wang, T. and Watanabe, T. (2019): Impact of Recreational Activities on an Unmanaged Alpine Campsite: The Case of Kuro-Dake Campsite, Daisetsuzan National Park, Japan, Environments, 6(3), 34,
Ngwira, S. and Watanabe, T. (2019): An Analysis of the Causes of Deforestation in Malawi: A Case of Mwazisi, Land, 8(3), 48,
Watanabe, T. and Shirasaka, S. (2018): Pastoral Practices and Common Use of Pastureland: The Case of Karakul, North-Eastern Tajik Pamirs, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15(12), 2725,
渡辺悌二 (2018): 持続可能な維持管理に向けた登山道研究の進展:大雪山国立公園の事例.地球環境, 23, 1/2, 61-68.
目代邦康・渡辺悌二 (2018): 日本の山岳地域における保護地域制度の多様性とその意義.地球環境, 23, 1/2, 3-10.
吉田国光・渡辺悌二 (2018): 十勝地域における「大規模農業」の軌跡とこれから.地理, 63(759), 32-39.
Batar, A.K. and Watanabe, T. (2017): Assessment of Land-Use/Land-Cover Change and Forest Fragmentation in the Garhwal Himalayan Region of India, Environments, 4(2), 34,
Traore, A. and Watanabe, T. (2017):Modeling Determinants of Urban Growth in Conakry, Guinea: A Spatial Logistic Approach, Urban Science, accepted.
Khanal, N.R. and Watanabe, T. (2017): Low-flow hydrology in the Nepal Himalayas: the Madi watershed. Geographical Studies, 92 (1), accepted.
Kimutai, D.K. and Watanabe, T. (2016): Forest-Cover Change and Participatory Forest Management of the Lembus Forest, Kenya. Environments, 3, 20, doi:10.3390/environments3030020
渡辺悌二 (2016): 山や森林との距離を考える.森林技術, No. 890, 2-6,
上野健一・渡辺悌二 (2016): "Perth III: Mountains of Our Future Earth"にみる山岳研究の国際動向. 地学雑誌, 125 (2), 291-298.
渡辺悌二・小林勇介 (2016): 大雪山国立公園の登山道荒廃:その研究の進展と地域における取り組み. 北海道の自然, No. 54, 11-17.
渡辺悌二 (2016): 氷河融解時代の氷河関連研究.科学, 86 (3), 198-200.
柴田 英昭・石原 正恵・渡辺 悌二・氷見山幸夫・ 甲山隆司・占部城太郎・吉村 暢彦 (2015): 環境変動下における陸域変化研究の歩みと将来. 地球環境, 20 (2), 143-150.
Lamsal, D., Sawagaki, T., Watanabe, T., Byers, A.C. and McKinney, D.C. (2015): An assessment of conditions before and after the 1998 Tam Pokhari outburst in the Nepal Himalaya and an evaluation of the future outburst hazard. Hydrological Processes, accepted on 1 August 2015, DOI: 10.1002/hyp.10636.
Watanabe, T. (2015): Interactive comment on “Assessing downstream flood impacts due to a potential GLOF from Imja Lake in Nepal” by M. A. Somos-Valenzuela et al. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. Discuss., 11, C6142-C6144.
Watanabe, T., Shibata, H., Ishihara, M., Yoshimura, N. and Kohyama, T. (2014): Global Land Project Sapporo Nodai Office Addressing Land System Studies on Resilience, Sustainability and Vulnerability in Asia. Global Environmental Research, 18 (2), 105-112.
Himiyama, Y., Watanabe, T. and Hara, K. (2014): The Impact of the Great East Japan Tsunami of 2011 on Land Use. Global Environmental Research, 18 (2), 191-206.
Lamsal, D., Sawagaki, T., Watanabe, T. and Byers, A.C. (2014): Assessment of glacial lake development and prospects of outburst susceptibility: Chamlang South Glacier, eastern Nepal Himalaya. Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk. DOI: 10.1080/19475705.2014.931306
Watanabe, T. (2014): The emergence of sustainable tourism in Daisetsuzan National Park, Japan. In: Debarbieux B, Oiry Varacca M, Rudaz G, Maselli D, Kohler T, Jurek M (eds.), Tourism in Mountain Regions: Hopes, Fears and Realities. Sustainable Mountain Development Series. Geneva, Switzerland: UNIGE, CDE, SDC, 70-71.
Watanabe, T. (2013): Special Issue: The Pamirs, II, Preface. Geographical Studies, 88 (2), 49-50.
Shirasaka, S., Watanabe, T., Song, F., Liu, J. and Miyahara, I. (2013): Transhumance in the Kyrgyz Pamir, Central Asia. Geographical Studies, 88 (2), 80-101.
Watanabe, T., Anarbaev, M., Lee, Y., Sawagaki, T., Izumiyama, S., Miyahara, I. and Komatsu, T. (2013): Place names as an ecotourism resource for the Alai valley of the Kyrgyz Pamir. Geographical Studies, 88 (2), 102-116.
Komatsu, T. and Watanabe, T. (2013): Glacier-related hazards and their assessment in the Tajik Pamir: a short review. Geographical Studies, 88 (2), 117-131.
Liu, J. and Watanabe, T. (2013): Assessment of the current grazing intensity and slope status of pastures in the Alai Valley, Kyrgyzstan. Geographical Studies, 88 (2), 70-79.
Arase, T., Liu, J. and Watanabe, T. (2013): Degeneration of alpine steppe vegetation around Sary-Tash Village, Kyrgyz Republic. Geographical Studies, 88 (2), 60-69.
Komatsu, T. and Watanabe, T. (2013): GLOF and glacier-related hazards and risk in Tajikistan. Proceedings, Glacial Flooding and Disaster Risk Management Knowledge Exchange and Field Training, 11-14 July 2013, Huaraz, Peru.
Byers, A.C., McKinney, D.C., Somos-Valenzuela, M., Watanabe, T. and Lamsal, D. (2013): Glacial lakes of the Hinku and Hongu valleys, Makalu-Barun National Park and Buffer Zone, Nepal. Natural Hazards, accepted. DOI 10.1007/s11069-013-0689-8
Sawagaki, T., Lamsal, D., Byers, A. and Watanabe, T. (2012): Changes in surface morphology and glacial lake development of Chamlang Glacier in the eastern Nepal Himalaya since 1964. Global Environmental Research, 16, 83-94.
Watanabe, T. and Ishihara, M. (2012): GLP Nodal Office on vulnerability, resilience and sustainability of land systems, Sapporo. GLP News, 8, 33-35.
石原正恵・柴田英昭・津久井成美・渡辺悌二(2012):全球陸域研究計画(GLP)ー札幌拠点オフィスの取り組みー. 北方森林保全技術, No.30, 25-28.
渡辺悌二(2012):ネパール・ヒマラヤのトレッキング観光開発と環境へのその影響. 立教大学観光学部紀要, No.14, 83-98.
Byers, A., McKinney, D., Somos, M. and Watanabe, T. (2012): Glacial lakes of the Hinku and Hongu valleys, Makalu-Barun National Park and Buffer Zone, Nepal. Proceedings, Andean-Asian Mountains Global Knowledge Exchange on Glaciers, Glacial Lakes, Water & Hazard Management An Adapation Partnership Workshop, 16-32.
Watanabe, T., Ochiai, Y., Mizushima, K., Iwata, S. and Kreutzmann, H. (2011): Current status of tourism and roles of a proposed local guide association in Pasu, Northern Areas of Pakistan. Geographical Studies, 86, 41-54.
Lee, Y.L. and Watanabe, T. (2011): Multidisciplinary assessmentd of trail degradation for framing future trail management: examination in Shei-Pa National Park, Taiwan. Borsdorf, A., Stötter, J. & Veulliet, E. (eds.): Managing Alipne Future II Proceedings of the Innsbruck Conference, November 21-23, 2011, 212-221.
Lamsal, D., Sawagaki, T. and Watanabe, T. (2011): Digital Terrain Modelling Using Corona and ALOS PRISM Data to Investigate the Distal Part of Imja Glacier, Khumbu Himal, Nepal. Journal of Mountain Science, 8, 390-402.
荒瀬輝夫・泉山茂之・渡辺悌二・Maksat Anarbaev(2011):天山山脈北麓コヨンド谷(キルギス共和国サリチャット・エルタシュ自然保護区)の高山草原における植生概況. 信州大学農学部SFC報告, No.9, 75-82.
渡辺悌二(2011):国際山岳年プラス10に向けて. 森林技術, No.826, 20-25.
Watanabe, T., Izumiyama, S., Gaunavinaka, L. and Anarbaev, M. (2010): Wolf depredation on livestock in the Pamir. Geographical Studies, 85, 26-36.
渡辺悌二(2010):国際山の日と2002年国際山岳年を越えて. 地理学論集, 85, 69-74.
渡辺悌二 (2010): 書評・紹介:渡辺和之著『羊飼いの民族誌―ネパール移牧社会の資源利用と社会関係』地学雑誌, 119 (4), 751-752.
Komatsu, T., Watanabe, T. and Hirakawa, K. (2010): A framework for Late Quaternary lake-level fluctuations in Lake Karakul, eastern Pamir, focusing on lake-glacier landform interaction. Geomorophology, 119, 198-211.
Watanabe, T., Lamsal, D. and Ives, J.D. (2009): Evaluating the growth characteristics of a glacial lake and its degree of danger of outburst flooding: Imja Glacier, Khumbu Himal, Nepal. Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift (Norwegian Journal of Geography), 63, 255-267.
Regmi, D. and Watanabe, T. (2009): Rockfall activitiy in the Kangchenjunga Area, Nepal Himalaya. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes, 20, 390-398.
Watanabe, T., Anarbaev, M., Ochiai, Y., Izumiyama, S. and Gaunavinaka, L. (2009): Tourism in the Pamir-Alai Mountians, southern Kyrgyz Republic. Geographical Studies, 84, 3-13.
Izumiyama, S., Anarbaev, M. and Watanabe, T. (2009): Inhabitation of larger mammals in the Alai Valley of the Kyrgyz Republic. Geographical Studies, 84, 14-21.
渡辺悌二(2009):北海道におけるジオダイバーシティ.北海道の自然, 47, 39-42.
土栄拓真・渡辺悌二・平川一臣 (2009): 登山とジオダイバーシティ:「ジオ・ツアー登山」の視点. 北海道の自然, 47, 59-63.
渡辺悌二・マクサト アナルバエフ・岩田修二(2008):キルギス共和国の自然保護地域と観光開発. 地理学論集, 83, 29-39.
渡辺悌二・海津ゆりえ・可知直毅・寺崎竜雄・野口 健・吉田正人 (2008): 観光の視点からみた世界自然遺産. 地球環境, 13 (1),123-132.
渡辺悌二(2008): 地球温暖化と世界自然遺産の危機:ヒマラヤ,サガルマータ(エベレスト山)国立公園の事例.地球環境, 13 (1),113-122.
渡辺悌二(2008): パミールにおけるエコツーリズムの現状と課題.地理, 53 (1),47-55.
マクサト アナルバエフ・渡辺悌二(2008): キルギス共和国南部,パミール・アライ山脈の観光.地理, 53 (1),56-59.
Ogata, T. and Watanabe, T. (2007): Archiving recent geoscientific studies in the Karakorum Range: Their characteristics and future directions. Geographical Studies, 82, 65-74.
岩田修二・渡辺悌二(2007): パキスタン北部,ゴジャール,パスー村周辺での氷河観光開発計画.立教大学観光学部紀要, No.9, 11-26.
渡辺悌二・コクール カシロフ(2007): タジキスタン共和国タジク国立公園の価値と管理の現状.国立公園, No.651, 26-28.
Watanabe, T. (2006): Geoecological Studies in the Kangchenjunga Conservation Area, Eastern Nepal Himalaya. Global Environmental Research, 10(1), 87-98.
Khanal, N.R. and Watanabe, T. (2006): Abandonment of agricultural land and its consequences in the Nepal Himalayas: A case of Sikles area. Mountain Research and Development, 26(1), 32-40.
Regmi, D. and Watanabe, T. (2005): Slow mass movement in the Kangchenjunga area, eastern Nepal Himalaya. The Island Arc, 14(4), 400-409.
渡辺悌二(2005):ジオダイバーシティ保全とバイオダイバーシティ保全.地球環境, 10(2), 207-216.
渡辺悌二(2005):日本の環境冠大学院の課題と将来の役割ー筑波大学および北海道大学における経験からー.環境科学会誌, 18(5), 551-556.
Khanal, N.R. and Watanabe, T (2005): Landslide and debris flow hazards induced by the heavy precipitation in Nepal. Proceedings of Himalaya International Symposium, Landslide Hazard in Orogenic Zone from the Himalaya to Island Arc in Asia, 111-118.
Gautam, C.M. and Watanabe, T. (2005): Composition, distribution and diversity of tree species under different management systems in the hill forests of Bharse Village, Gulmi District, Western Nepal. Himalayan Journal of Sciences, 3, 69-76.
太田健一・渡辺悌二(2005):デジタル写真測量による登山道の土壌侵食量の計測手法.北海道地理,80, 41-51.
渡辺悌二(2005):タジキスタン共和国,タジク国立公園における野生動物資源の保全と持続的利用.北海道地理,80, 53-59.
渡辺悌二・太田健一・後藤忠志(2004):大雪山国立公園,裾合平周辺における登山道侵食の長期モニタリング.季刊地理学, 56, 254-264.
Gautam, K.H. and Watanabe, T. (2004): Ethnosilvicultural knowledge: A promising foundation for integrating non-timber forest products into forest management. Himalayan Journal of Sciences, 2, 55-58.
渡辺悌二・吉野正敏(2004):国際山岳年へのとりくみと今後の山岳研究の方向:国際研究の視点から.地学雑誌,113, 169-179.
渡辺悌二(2004):山岳地生態系の脆弱性と地生態学研究の現状・課題.地学雑誌,113, 180-190.
Gautam, C.M. and Watanabe, T. (2004): Reliability of land use/land cover assessment in montane Nepal. A case study in the Kangchenjunga Conservation Area (KCA). Mountain Research and Development, 24, 35-43.
Matsuoka, N., Ikeda, A., Hirakawa, K. and Watanabe, T. (2003): Contemporary periglacial processes in the Swiss Alps: seasonal, interannual and long-term variations. In: Phillips. M et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Permafrost, 2, Balkema, Lisse, 735-740.
Gautam, K.H. and Watanabe, T. (2003): Concepts of reduced impact logging in the evolution of forest-harvesting codes of Nepal. International Expert Meeting on the Development and Implementation of National Codes of Practice for Forest Harvesting -Issues and Options-. FAO/ITTO/IUFRO/Forestry Agencyof Japan and Chiba Prefectural Government, 341-345.
Watanabe, T. and Otaki, Y. (2003): Study for conservation of blue sheep (Pseudois nayaur) in the Kanchanjunga Conservation Area, eastern Nepal: interaction between blue sheep and other animals. In: Proceedings of the International Seminar on Mountains (Eds. F.P. Neupane, K.M. Bajracharya and D.R. Bhuju) March 6-8, 2002 Kathmandu. Royal Nepal Academy of Science and Technology, Kathmandu. 69-78.
Yokoyama, H. and Watanabe, T. (2003): Present situation and problems of the geoecological studies on Japanese mountains. Geographical Review of Japan, 76, 381-385.
渡辺悌二(2003):日本の山岳国立公園におけるツーリズムと自然環境保全:ヒマラヤから学ぶこと.地理科学, 58: 146-156.
藤山広武・平訳正勝・川名淳二・渡辺悌二(2003): 日高山脈東麓緩斜面に堆積する礫層について(第1報). 帯広百年記念館紀要,21, 19-23.
渡辺悌二 (2002): 山岳地域の観光開発と温暖化:スイス・アルプスとネパール・ヒマラヤの例.科学,72(12): 1271-1275.
渡辺悌二 (2002): 荒廃が進む登山道.これからのあり方,作り方.モーリー,No. 7: 68-71.
Watanabe, T. (2002): Deterioration of mountain trails and their management in mountains of Japan. International Seminar on the Utilization and Conservation of Mountains, 34-38.
渡辺悌二 (2002): 日本の環境を取り戻す:環境破壊と活性化.山岳,97: 77-80.
Tsukamoto, S., Asahi, K., Watanabe, T. and Rink, W.J. (2002): Timing of past glaciations in Kanchenjunga Himal, Nepal by optically-stimulated luminescence dating of tills. Quaternary International, 97/98: 57-67.
Gautam, K.H. and Watanabe, T. (2002): Silviculture for non-timber forest product management: challenges and opportunities for sustainable forest management. The Forestry Chronicle, 78(6), 830-832.
Jansky, L., Ives, J.D., Furuyashiki, K. and Watanabe, T. (2002): Global mountain research for sustainable development. Global Environmental Change, 12(3): 215-223.
石川守・岩崎正吾・澤柿教伸・平川一臣・渡邉悌二(2002): 北海道日高山脈ポロシリ岳周辺における山岳永久凍土環境 ー気温と地表面温度観測からの考察ー.地学雑誌,111(4), 574-582.
渡辺悌二 (2002): 国際エコツーリズム年と国際山岳年.地理,47(3), 16-21.
渡辺悌二 (2002): 大学院における自然ガイド・環境NPO養成コースの役割. 観光文化,152, 10-13.
Ives, J.D., Watanabe, T., Sicroff, S. and Khanal, N.R. (2001): International Symposium on the Himalayan Environments: Mountain Sciences and Ecotourism/Biodiversity, Kathmandu, Nepal, 24–26 November 2000. Mountain Research and Development, 21 (2), 196.
Ishikawa, M., Watanabe, T., and Nakamura, N. (2001): Genetic differences of rock glaciers and the discontinuous mountain permafrost zone in Kanchanjunga Himal, eastern Nepal. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes, 12, 243-253.
Regmi, D. and Watanabe, T. (2001): Some expected roles of the Kanchenjunga Conservation Area Project. In Watanabe, T., Sicroff, S., Khanal, N.R., and Gautamn, M.P. (eds.): Proceedings of the International Symposium on the Himalayan Environments: Mountain Sciences and Ecotourism/Biodiversity, Hokkaido University and Tribhuvan University, 167-172.
Yoda, A., Watanabe, T., Regmi, D., and Maita, A. (2001): What can visitors expect to see in the Kanchanjunga area? - Development of an ecotourism resource map and a phenology calendar -. In Watanabe, T., Sicroff, S., Khanal, N.R., and Gautamn, M.P. (eds.): Proceedings of the International Symposium on the Himalayan Environments: Mountain Sciences and Ecotourism/Biodiversity, Hokkaido University and Tribhuvan University, 180-187.
Ishikawa, M., Watanabe, T., and Nakamura, N. (2001): Internal structure of the ice-cored rock glacier in Kanchanjunga Himal, eastern Nepal. In Watanabe, T., Sicroff, S., Khanal, N.R., and Gautamn, M.P. (eds.): Proceedings of the International Symposium on the Himalayan Environments: Mountain Sciences and Ecotourism/Biodiversity, Hokkaido University and Tribhuvan University, 195-201.
渡辺悌二(2001):大雪山国立公園における層雲峡・旭岳ビジターセンターの役割. 国立公園, 598, 6-13.
渡辺悌二(2001):ネパール・ヒマラヤのツリーズムと自然・社会環境の変化.黒部川扇状地, 26: 60-65.
渡辺悌二(2001):気候変動および人間活動が欧州アルプスの周氷河環境に及ぼす影響. 福武学術文化振興財団平成12年度年報, 149-156.
Watanabe, T., Nakamura, N. and Khanal, N.R. (2000): Mountain hazards in the Kanchanjunga area, eastern Nepal: landslides developed on lateral moraines. Journal of Nepal Geological Society, 22, 525-532.
Yoda, A. and Watanabe, T. (2000): Erosion of mountain hiking trail over a seven-year period in Daisetsuzan National Park, central Hokkaido, Japan. Cole, David N. and McCool, Stephen F. (eds.): Wilderness Science in a Time of Change. Ogden, UT: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, 172-178.
Watanabe, T. (2000): Environmental Impact assessment: geomorphology of the Bartang and Khdara valleys. In Alford, D. and Schuster, R. (eds.): Usoi Landslide Dam and Lake Sarez, United Nations, ISDR Prevention Series, No.1, 53-58.
Asahi, K. and Watanabe, T. (2000): Past and recent glacier fluctuations in Kanchanjunga Himal, Nepal. Journal of Nepal Geological Society, 22, 481-490.
渡辺悌二・澤柿教伸・平川一臣・松岡憲知(2000):スイス国立公園拡大化の意義と 問題点.北海道地理,74, 15-22.
松岡憲知・平川一臣・渡辺悌二・池田敦 (2000):欧州アルプス山岳永久凍土の 斜面変動.地学雑誌,109, 746-752.
Watanabe, T. and Ikeda, N. (1999): Expected tourism growth In the Kanchanjunga area, eastern Nepal Himalaya, and Its possible Impacts to yak herders and mountain environments: lessons from Sagarmatha (Mount Everest) National Park. Annals of Hokkaido Geogr. Association, 73, 11-22.
渡辺悌二(1999):国立公園の問題群10,学術データの不足.地理, 44(1), 82-88.
渡辺悌二(1999):国立公園の問題群11,国立公園の魅力と役割.地理, 44(2), 76-81.
Watanabe, T., Khanal, N.R., and Gautam, M.P. (1998): The Nangama Glacial Lake outburst flood occurred on 23 June 1980 in the Kanchanjunga area, eastern Nepal. Annals of Hokkaido Geographical Society, 72:13-20.
Matsuoka, N., Hirakawa, K., Watanabe, T., Haeberli, W., Keller, F. (1998): The role of diurnal, annual and millennial freeze-thaw cycles in controlling alpine slope instability", In Lewkowicz, A.G. and Allard, M. Eds.: Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Permafrost (June 23-27, 1998, Yellowknife, Canada), Centre d'etudes noediques, Universite Laval, Sainte Foy: 711-717.
Anita, M., Watanabe, T., Ishii, Y. (1998): "Current state of forest degradation and fuelwood consumption in Palung Village, central Nepal", Proceedings of IUFRO Inter-Divisional Seoul Conference Forest Ecosystem and Land Use in Mountain Areas, Seoul, Korea: 576-581.
Watanabe, T. (1998): Timing of the late Holocene debris supply and glacial fluctuations in Langtang Himal, central Nepal Himalaya. Mitteilung der VAW-ETH Zurich, 158, 207-216.
Kattelmann, R. and Watanabe, T. (1998): Approaches to reducing the hazard of an outburst flood of Lmja Glacier Lake, Khumbu Himal. Chalise, S.R. and Khanal, N.R. Eds.: Ecohydrology of high mountain areas. ICIMOD, 359-366.
渡辺悌二・深澤京子(1998):大雪山国立公園,黒岳七号目から山頂区間における 過去7年間の登山道荒廃とその軽減のための対策」,地理学評論,71A: 753-764.
渡辺悌二・古畑亜紀(1998):大雪山国立公園,旭岳ロープウェイと姿見の池遊歩道 の利用環境の改善の方向性,北海道地理, 72: 1-11.
Watanabe, T., Liu Dali, and Shiraiwa, T. (1998): Slope denudation and the supply of debris to cones in Langtang Himal, central Nepal Himalaya. Geomorphology, 26(1-3), 185-197.
朝日克彦・渡辺悌二(1998):ネパールの新しい地形図とその問題点,地理,43(1): 81-85.
渡辺悌二・菅原百合(1998):サガルマータ(エベレスト)国立公園:薪の消費と電化, 国立公園の問題群1, 地理,43
渡辺悌二・菅原百合(1998):サガルマータ(エベレスト)国立公園:住民生活の変化, 国立公園の問題群2,地理,43(4): 80-85.
渡辺悌二 (1998):ランタン国立公園:大規模観光開発,国立公園の問題群3, 地理, 43(5): 96-102.
渡辺悌二 (1998):グレートスモーキーマウンテン国立公園:北米最大の利用者数, 国立公園の問題群6, 地理,43(8): 95-101.
渡辺悌二 (1998):大雪山国立公園:野営指定地の保全と管理,国立公園の問題群9, 地理,43(12): 77-83
Watanabe, T. (1997): Estimates of the number of visitors impacting forest resouces in the national parks of the Nepal Himalaya. Quaterly J. Geog., 49(1): 15-29.
Matsuoka, N., Hirakawa, K., Watanabe, T. And Moriwaki, K. (1997): Monitoring of periglacial slope processes in the Swiss Alps: the first two years of frost shattering, heave and creep" Permafrost and Periglacial Processes, 8: 155 177.
Kattelmann, R. and Watanabe, T. (1997): Draining Himalayan glacial lakes before they burst. Leavesley, G.H., Lins, H.F., Nobilis, F., Parker, R.S., Schneider, V.R., and van de Ven, F.H.M. Eds.: Destructive water: water-caused natural disasters, their abatement and control. IAHS Publication No. 239, 337-343.
Watanabe, T. and Rothacher, D. (1996): The 1994 Lugge Tsho glacial lake outburst flood, Bhutan Himalaya. Mountain Research and Development, 16: 77-81.
Watanabe, T., Kameyama, S., and Sato, T. (1995): Imja Glacier dead-ice melt rates and changes in a supra-glacial lake, 1989-1994, Khumbu Himal, Nepal: danger of lake drainage. Mountain Research and Development, 15: 293-300.
Watanabe, T., Ives, J.D. and Hammond, J.E. (1994): Rapid growth of a glacial lake in Khumbu Himal, Nepal: prospects for a catastrophic flood. Mountain Research and Development, 14: 329-340.
Watanabe, T. (1994): Soil erosion on yak-grazing steps in the Langtang Himal, Nepal. Mountain Research and Development,14: 171-179.
渡辺悌二 (1994):混雑感と土壌侵食から見た大雪山国立公園の利用と現状. 山と渓谷,No.709: 238-243.
渡辺悌二 (1993):1991年12月14日に発生したニュージーランド,クック 山の崩壊.地学雑誌,103: 77-83.
渡辺悌二 (1993):コロラド・ロッキー山脈,フロントレンジ,ナバホ氷河周辺の "プロテーラスランパート"の再検討,および後期更新世~完新世のナバホ氷河の復元. 地学雑誌,102: 60-72.
渡辺悌二(1993):あいさつに関する調査からみたネパール人ポーターと外国人 トレッカーの親しみやすさの違いについて,北海道地理, 67: 41-46.
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渡辺悌二 (1992):アメリカ合衆国における「山岳の地生態学(ジオエコロジー)」 の最近の発展.地学雑誌,101: 539-555.
Yamada, T., Shiraiwa, T., Iida, H., Kadota, T., Watanabe, T., Rana, B., Ageta, Y., and Fushimi, H. (1992): Fluctuations of the glaciers from the 1970s to 1989 in the Khumbu, Shorong and Lagtang regions, Nepal Himalayas. Bulletin of Glacier Research, 10: 11-19.
Shiraiwa, T. and Watanabe, T. (1991): Late Quaternary glacial fluctuations in the Langtang Valley, Nepal Himalaya, reconstructed by relative dating methods. Arctic and Alpine Research, 23: 404-416.
渡辺悌二 (1989):ネパール・ヒマラヤ,ランタン村の立地と雪崩,地理,34(9): 102-108.
Watanabe, T. (1989): Environmental factors influencing the landscape of the Kuranosuke Cirque, Tateyama Range, Northern Japanese Alps. Mountain research and Development, 9: 129-144.
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Watanabe, T. (1988): Studies of snow accumulation and ablation on perennial snow patches in the mountains of Japan. Progress in Physical Geography, 12: 560-581.
渡辺悌二 (1986):立山,内蔵助カールの植生景観と環境要因,地理学評論,59A: 404-425.
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Matsumoto, E., and Watanabe, T. (1986): Site conditions and the formation of white sand in Northeast Brazil. Latin American Studies, 8, 31-48.
Yamamoto, S., Nishizawa, T., Hayashi, I., Matsumoto, E., Saito, I., Yagasaki, N., Kashiwagi, Y., and Watanabe, T. (1986): Natural environment and land use around Petrolina-Juazeiro, central part of Northeast Brazil. Latin American Studies, 8, 125-147.
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