この研究は,国連大学が主導する開発プロジェクトである「パミール・アライ山脈の持続的土地管理プロジェクト(PALM Project)」を学術的側面から支援するものです。PALMプロジェクトに対しては,北海道大学が日本の拠点となっています(News Letter)。研究プロジェクトには,2010年度時点で,北海道大学地球環境科学研究院のメンバーの他に,日本大学文理学部,信州大学農学部,立教大学観光学部のメンバーが参加しています。2011年からは,宮城大学,帝京大学,東京外語大学のメンバーが加わっています。
2008 年度,福武科学文化振興財団「中央アジア,パミール高原におけるジオ・ エコツーリズム導入のための地生態学的研究」
英語の論文は,英語サイトのCentral Asiaのページでダウンロードできます。
Liu, J. (2015): Studies on changes of vegetation cover of pasturelands in the eastern Alai Valley, Kyrgyzstan, PhD thesis submitted to Hokkaido University.
Liu, Y. (2014): On the current status of tourism and proposal of sustainable tourism in the Lenin Peak area, Master's thesis to be submitted to Hokkaido University.
Song, F. (2014): On characteristics of transhumance in the Alai Valley, Master's thesis to be submitted to Hokkaido University.
Liu, J. (2012): Assessing vegetation cover changes induced by livestock grazing in the Alai valley, the Kyrgyz Republic in and after the Soviet time. Master's thesis submitted to Hokkaido University.
Gaunavinaka, L. (2010): Regional differences by an analysis of main land use/land cover and bioregional conditions in the Kyrgyz part of the Pamir-Alai Transboundary Conservation Area (PATCA). Master's thesis submitted to Hokkaido University.
Komatsu, T. (2010): Late Quaternary lake-glacier interaction in the Karakul closed-basin, eastern Pamir. PhD thesis submitted to Hokkaido University.
渡辺悌二 (2020): 中央アジアの環境問題. 矢ケ﨑典隆 ・加賀美雅弘 ・牛垣雄矢編『地理学基礎シリーズ3 地誌学概論 第2版』
Shirasaka, S. and Watanabe, T. (2019): Characteristics of pastoralism in Karakul, Tajik Pamirs in the northeastern part of Tajikistan. Geographical Space, 12(2). 97-115.
Watanabe, T. and Shirasaka, S. (2018): Pastoral Practices and Common Use of Pastureland: The Case of Karakul, North-Eastern Tajik Pamirs, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15(12), 2725, doi.org/10.3390/ijerph15122725.
Liu, J. and Watanabe, T. (2016): Seasonal pasture use and vegetation cover changers in the Alai Valley, Kyrgyzstan. In: Kreutzmann, H. and Watanabe, T. (Eds.): Mapping Transition in the Pamirs. Springer International Publishing, 113-126.
Shirasaka, S., Song, F. and Watanabe, T. (2016): Diversity of seasonaql migration of livestock in the eastern Alai valley, southern Kyrgyzstan. In: Kreutzmann, H. and Watanabe, T. (Eds.): Mapping Transition in the Pamirs. Springer International Publishing, 127-143.
Watanabe, T. and Shirasaka, S. (2016): Kezuu and noval: A form of pastoralism in the eastern Alai valley, southern Kyrgyzstan. In: Kreutzmann, H. and Watanabe, T. (Eds.): Mapping Transition in the Pamirs. Springer International Publishing, 145-158.
Watanabe, T. (2016): Conclusions: Why do we need to make efforts to map the transition? In: Kreutzmann, H. and Watanabe, T. (Eds.): Mapping Transition in the Pamirs. Springer International Publishing, 267-274.
Komatsu, T. and Tsukamoto, S. (2014): Late Glacial Lake-level Changes in the Lake Karakul Basin (a Closed Glacierized-Basin), Eastern Pamirs, Tajikistan, Quaternary Research (accepted). (DOI:10.1016/j.yqres.2014.09.001)
Shirasaka, S., Watanabe, T., Song, F., Liu, J. and Miyahara, I. (2013): Transhumance in the Kyrgyz Pamir, Central Asia. Geographical Studies, 88 (2) (Accepted).
Watanabe, T., Anarbaev, M., Lee, Y., Sawagaki, T., Izumiyama, S., Miyahara, I. and Komatsu, T. (2013): Place names as an ecotourism resource for the Alai valley of the Kyrgyz Pamir. Geographical Studies, 88 (2) (Accepted).
Komatsu, T. and Watanabe, T. (2013): Glacier-related hazards and their assessment in the Tajik Pamir: a short review. Geographical Studies, 88 (2) (Accepted).
Liu, J. and Watanabe, T. (2013): Assessment of the current grazing intensity and slope status of pastures in the Alai Valley, Kyrgyzstan. Geographical Studies, 88 (2) (Accepted).
Mizushima, K. (2013): Change of the livestock farming in Hussaini village, Gojal District, northern Pakistan. Geographical Studies, 88 (2) (Accepted).
Arase, T., Izumiyama, S., Anabaev, M. and Vereschagin, A. (2013): Alpine steppe vegetation patterns in the Koyondu valley, Kyrgyz Republic. Geographical Studies, 88 (2) (Accepted).
Arase, T., Liu, J. and Watanabe, T. (2013): Degeneration of alpine steppe vegetation around Sary-Tash Village, Kyrgyz Republic. Geographical Studies, 88 (2) (Accepted).
Komatsu, T. and Watanabe, T. (2013): GLOF and glacier-related hazards and risk in Tajikistan. Proceedings, Glacial Flooding and Disaster Risk Management Knowledge Exchange and Field Training, 11-14 July 2013, Huaraz, Peru. (http://issuu.com/johnharlinmedia/docs/watanabe_glofglacier-relatedhazards?e=7165924/4982661)
Komatsu, T., Hirakawa, K. and Tsukamoto, S. (2012): Preliminary Report on the Late Pleistocene Lake-level History of Lake Karakul (Closed Glacierized-basin Lake), Eastern Pamir, Central Asia. Journal of Geography (Chigaku Zasshi), Tokyo, 126 (6), 1063-1072. (in Japanese)
Komatsu, T. (2012): The late Quaternary landscape evolution in Lake Karakul (endorheic glacierised-basin lake), eastern Pamir. Quaternary International, vol.279-280, 251. (Abstract)
Arase, T., Izumiyama, S., Anarbaev, M. and Vereschagin, A. (2012): Survey of alpine vegetation near the forest line in the Ertash Valley of the Sarychat -Ertash State Reserve in the northern Tian Shan Mountains, Kyrgyz Republic. Bulletin of Shinshu University Alpine Field Center, 10: 145-151.
Arase, T., Izumiyama, S., Watanabe, T. and Anarbaev, M. (2011):Survey of alpine steppe vegetation in the Koyondu Valley, Sarychat-Ertash State Reserve in the northern Tain Shan Mountains of the Kyrgyz Republic. Bulletin of Shinshu Iniversity, AFC, 9, 75-82. (in Japanese)
Ochiai, Y. and Mizushima, K. (2011): The actual situation of industrial structure and lifestyle in Alai Valley, Kyrgyz Republic. Proceedings of The Institute of Natural Sciences Nihon University, 46, 11-24. (in Japanese)
Komatsu, T., Watanabe, T. and Hirakawa, K. (2010): A framework for Late Quaternary lake-level fluctuations in Lake Karakul, eastern Pamir, focusing on lake-glacier landform interaction. Geomorphology, 119, 198–211.
Watanabe, T. (2010): Sustainable natural resources use and social transformation. PALM UPDATE (PALM Project Newsletter), No. 3, 2.
Watanabe, T., Izumiyama, S., Gaunavinaka, L. and Anarbaev, M. (2010): Wolf depredation on livestock in the Pamir. Geographical Studies, 85, 26–36.
Iwata, S. (2009): Mapping features of Fedchenko Glacier, the Pamirs, Central Asia from space. Geographical Studies, 84, 33–43.
Izumiyama, S., Anarbaev, M. and Watanabe, T. (2009): Inhabitation of larger mammals in the Alai Valley of the Kyrgyz Republic. Geographical Studies, 84, 14–21.
Komatsu, T. (2009): Field photographs of geomorphic features in the Lake Karakul region, eastern Pamirs. Geographical Studies, 84, 44–50.
Watanabe, T., Anarbaev, M., Ochiai, Y., Izumiyama, S. and Gaunavinaka, L. (2009): Tourism in the Pamir-Alai Mountains, southern Kyrgyz Republic. Geographical Studies, 84, 3–13.
Watanabe, T., Anarbaev, M. and Iwata, S. (2008): Protected areas and tourism development in the Kyrgyz Republic. Geographical Studies, 83, 29-39. (in Japanese)
Anarbaev, M. and Watanabe, T. (2008): Tourism in the Pamir-Alai Range, Kyrgyz Republic. Chiri (Geography), 53 (1), 56-59. (in Japanese)
Iwata. S. (2008): What is the Pamirs? Its boundary, landform and environments. Chiri (Geography), 53 (1), 18-29. (in Japanese)
Ochiai, Y. (2008): The regional differences in lifestyle on villagers of Wakhi living around the Pamir. Proceedings of the Institute of Natural Sciences Nihon University, 43, 55-65. (in Japanese)
Sawagaki, T. (2008): Climbing Mount Lenin. Chiri (Geography), 53 (1), 42-46. (in Japanese)
Hirakawa, K. (2008): People and nature in the Alai: personal view. Chiri (Geography), 53 (1), 38-42. (in Japanese)
Mizushima, K. and Ochiai, Y. (2008): People living in the Pamirs. Chiri (Geography), 53 (1), 30-37. (in Japanese)
Watanabe, T. (2008): Current situations and problems of ecotourism in the Pamirs. Chiri (Geography), 53 (1), 47-55. (in Japanese)
Watanabe, T. (2007): Natural environments and their problems in the Pamir, Central Asia. In Urushibara, K, Fujitsuka, Y., Matsuyama, H and Onishi, K. (eds.): Regional Problems in the World. Nakanishiya, Kyoto, 102-103. (in Japanese)
Watanabe, T. and Kasirov, K. (2007): Values and management of Tajik National Park in the Republic of Tajikistan. National Parks, No. 651: 26-28. (in Japanese)
Watanabe, T. (2007): Conservation and sustainable use of wildlife resources in the Tajik National Park, Republic of Tajikistan. Annals of the Hokkaido Geographical Society, 80, 53-59. (in Japanese)
Watanabe, T. ‘The Pamir: Land-use studies for sustainable mountain societies' Keynote Speech, GLP Asia Conference, National Taiwan University, 25 September 2014.
Liu, J. ‘Study on the changes of the vegetation cover by satellite imageries in the Alai valley, Kyrgyzstan' GLP Asia Conference, National Taiwan University, 24 September 2014. (Received Oral Presentation Award)
Watanabe, T., Shirasaka, S., Song, F. and Liu, J. ‘Kezüü: adapting livestock grazing in the changing Kyrgyz Pamir' GLP Asia Conference, National Taiwan University, 24 September 2014.
Shirasaka, S. ‘Transhumance in the northern Pamirs' GLP Asia Conference, National Taiwan University, 24 September 2014.
Liu, J. and Watanabe T.‘Examining pastures by grazing intensity in the Kyrgyz Pamir' Bilateral seminar, Lanzhou University, China, 22 October 2013.
Liu, J. and Watanabe T.‘Examining pastures by grazing intensity in the Kyrgyz Pamir' Bilateral seminar, Xi'an Jialtong University, China, 24 October 2013.
Watanabe T.‘Some tips to develop ecotourism in Sary-Tash by various stakeholders' Sary-Tash AO Workshop II, Sary-Tash Village Hall, Kyrgyzstan, 1 October 2013.
Song, F.‘Characteristics of Kezuu in Sary-Tash for ecotourism' Sary-Tash AO Workshop II, Sary-Tash Village Hall, Kyrgyzstan, 1 October 2013.
Liu, J.‘Land degradation study for sustainable use of pasture resources in the Alai valley' Sary-Tash AO Workshop II, Sary-Tash Village Hall, Kyrgyzstan, 1 October 2013.
Miyahara, I. ‘Local resources and development: Possibility in tourism development in the Pamir, Central Asia' Sotsutaku-no-Kai, Sendai, 2 October 2013.
Miyahara, I.‘Sary-Tash: The junction of the world' Sary-Tash AO Workshop, Sary-Tash Village Hall, Kyrgyzstan, 31 August 2013.
Shirasaka, S.‘Transhumance in the southern part of Syrgyz' Sary-Tash AO Workshop, Sary-Tash Village Hall, Kyrgyzstan, 31 August 2013.
Liu, J.‘Changes of vegetation-covered area and grazing intensity in the Alai Valley, the southern Kyrgyz Republic' 8th IAG/International Conference on Geomorphology, Paris, 27-31 August 2013.
Mizushima, K. 'Land use in Zarabad, Gojal District, Northern Palistan' IGU Kyoto Regional Conference, Kyoto, 6 August 2013.
Ochiai, Y. 'The influence of the Karakoram Highway submergence on lacal industry: The case of Passu village, Northern Areas of Pakistan' IGU Kyoto Regional Conference, Kyoto, 6 August 2013. IGU Kyoto Regional Conference, Kyoto, 6 August 2013.
Miyahara, I., Watanabe, Shirasaka, S. and Liu, J. 'Pattern of travel behavior on foreign tourists in the Pamirs' IGU Kyoto Regional Conference, Kyoto, 6 August 2013.
Liu, Y. 'Current status and proposal for the sustainable tourism in the Lenin Peak area, southern Kyrgyz Republic. IGU Kyoto Regional Conference, Kyoto, 6 August 2013.
Shirasaka, S., Watanabe, T., Liu, J., Song, F. and Miyahara, I. 'Transhumance in the northern part of the Pamirs' IGU Kyoto Regional Conference, Kyoto, 6 August 2013.
Liu, J., Song, F. and Watanabe, T. 'A study of grazing intensity on the pasture slopes in the Kyrgyz Pamir' IGU Kyoto Regional Conference, Kyoto, 6 August 2013.
Izumiyama, S., Anarbaev, M. and Watanabe, T.'GPS collar tracking of argali (Ovis ammon) in the Sarychat-Ertash State Reserve, Kyrgyz Republic: Problems on wildlife management' International Symposium on Changing Mountain Environments in Asia, 9 October 2012, Hotel Himalaya, Kathmandu, Nepal.
Liu, J. Watanabe, T. Shirasaka, S. and Miyahara, I.‘Assessing vegetation cover changes induced by livestock grazing in the Alai Valley, the Kyrgyz Republic in and after the Soviet time’ International Symposium on Changing Mountain Environments in Asia, 9 October 2012, Hotel Himalaya, Kathmandu, Nepal.
Song, F., Watanabe, T. and Shirasaka, S.‘Changing transhumance in Sary Tash, southern Kyrgyzstan’ International Symposium on Changing Mountain Environments in Asia, 9 October 2012, Hotel Himalaya, Kathmandu, Nepal.
Watanabe,T., Liu,J., Shirasaka, S., Miyahara, I., Komatsu, T., Sawagaki, T., Mizushima, K. and Ochiai, Y.‘Transformation of livestock grazing and land degradation in the Kyrgyz Pamir’ 32nd International Geographical Congress, 29 August 2012, Cologne, Germany.
Ochiai, Y. and Mizushima, K. ‘Lifestyle of minority tribe, Wakhi, residing in the Pamir and Karakoram and its geographical difference’ International Year of Mountain (IYM) Plus 10 Symposium, 23 June 2012, Nihon University, Tokyo, Japan.
Watanabe, T. ‘Asian Studies: Central Asia’ Ritsumeikan Keisho High School, 22 June 2012, Ebetsu, Japan.
Liu, J., Watanabe, T., Shirasaka, S. and Miyahara, I. ‘Land degradation in the Alai region, the Kyrgyz Republic, before and after the 1991 independence’ Japan Geoscience Union Meeting, International GLP Session, 21 May 2012, Chiba, Japan.
Komatsu, T., Watanabe, T. and Hirakawa, K. ‘The late Quaternary landscape evolution in Lake Karakul (endorheic glacierised-basin lake), eastern Pamir’ The XVIII INQUA-Congress, 21-27 July 2011, Bern, Switzerland.
Watanabe, T., Izumiyama, S., Sawagaki, T., Gaunavinaka, L., Mizushima, K., Ochiai, Y., Iwata, S. and Anarbaev, M. ‘Establishing the environmental conservation and sustainable development in the mountain society of the Pamir’ Managing Alpine Future II, Innsbruck Conference 2011, 22 November 2011, Congress Innsbruck, Austria.
Watanabe, T., Gaunavinaka, L., Hirakawa, K., Sawagaki, T., Mizushima, K., Ochiai, Y., Iwata, S., and Izumiyama, S. ‘Recent changes in land use and natural resources use in the Kyrgyz Pamir’ Japan Geoscience Union Meeting, International GLP Session, 26 May 2011, Chiba, Japan.
Watanabe, T. ‘Humans and wildlife in the Pamir, Central Asia’ Annual Public Dinner, Japan Alpine Club, Hokkaido Branch, 11 December 2010, Hotel Royton, Sapporo, Japan.
Watanabe T., Mizushima, K., Ochiai, Y., Iwata, S., Izumiyama, S., Gaunavinaka, L., Hirakawa, K. and Sawagaki, T. ‘Addressing poverty mitigation and food security in the southern Kyrgyz by ecotourism and sustainable development’ International Conference on Food Security in Mountain Countries, 11 December 2009, Kyrgyz Academy of Science, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic.
Komatu, T., Watanabe, T., Hirakawa, K. Sawagaki, T., Iwata, S., Mizshima, K. and Ochiai, Y. ‘Mapping geoecotourism map of the Tajik Pamir’ Annual Meeting of the Association of Japanese Geographers, 29 March 2011, Meiji University, Tokyo, Japan.
Komatsu, T.‘Fluctuations of palaeolake and glaciers in Late Pleistocene in the closed basin of Kara Kul Lake, eastern Pamir’ Joint Conference of Tohoku Geographical Society and Hokkaido Geographical Society, 18 September 2010, Hokkai Gakuen University, Sapporo, Japan.
Watanabe, T., Izumiyama, S., Sawagaki, T., Gaunavinaka, L. and Anarbaev, M. ‘Transhumance and environmental issues in the Pamir after the collapse of the Soviet Union’ Joint Conference of Tohoku Geographical Society and Hokkaido Geographical Society, 18 September 2010, Hokkai Gakuen University, Sapporo, Japan.
Watanabe, T. ‘Studies in the Pamir-Alai region, Kyrgyz and Karakul Lake area, Tajikistan’ GEF/UNEP/UNU Sustainable Land management in the High Pamir and Pamir-Alai Mountains (PALM), Project Progress Review Workshop, 5-6 October 2009, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic.
Mizushima, K. and Ochiai, Y. ‘The actual conditions of social economy based on the traditional industry in Alay valley, Kyrgyz Republic’ GEF/UNEP/UNU Sustainable Land management in the High Pamir and Pamir-Alai Mountains (PALM), Project Progress Review Workshop, 5-6 October 2009, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic.
Komatsu, T. ‘Lacustrine terraces and glacial landforms around the Kara Kul Lake, eastern Pamir’ Annul Meeting of Hokkaido Geographical Society, 29 June 2008, Hokkai Gakuen University, Sapporo, Japan.
Komatsu, T.‘Middle-Late Pleistocene palaeolake highstands in the high Pamir’ 11th Hokkaido University-Seoul National University Joint Symposium, 7 November 2008, Sapporo, Japan.
Watanabe, T., Hirakawa, K, Sawagaki, T., Komatsu, T. and Iwata, S. ‘Geotourism development in the Tajik Pamir and the Pamir-Alai Mountains, Central Asia’ Annual Meeting of the Association of Japanese Geographers, 29 March 2008, Dokkyo University, Soka, Japan.
Komatsu, T., Watanabe, T. and Iwata, S. ‘Geomorphic development and lake fluctuation in the north coast of Kara Kul in the eastern Pamir (Tajikistan)’ Annual Meeting of the Association of Japanese Geographers, 29 March 2008, Dokkyo University, Soka, Japan.
Hirakawa, K.‘Geopark and Geotope’ Annual Meeting of the Association of Japanese Geographers, 29 March 2008, Dokkyo University, Soka, Japan.
Iwata, S.‘Nature and scope of geotourism’ Annual Meeting of the Association of Japanese Geographers, 29 March 2008, Dokkyo University, Soka, Japan.
Iwata, S.‘The Pamir: Area, landform and origin of the name’ Cold Region’s Landform Forum, 15 December 2008, Rissho University, Tokyo, Japan.
Watanabe, T. ‘Sustainable land management in the Pamir, Central Asia: Research framework’ International Symposia on Bio-Geosphere under Changing Climate and Environment, 19 February 2007, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan.
Watanabe, T.‘Framework of ecotourism study for sustainable development and natural resources conservation in the Pamir-Alai Mountains’ International Symposium on the Challenge of Mountains, 27 June 2007, United Nations University House, Tokyo, Japan.
Mizushima, K. ‘An occupation of Wakhi people living on the Pamir Plateau and the Karakoram Glen: A viewpoint of the productivity and the sustainability’ International Symposium on the Challenge of Mountains, 27 June 2007, United Nations University House, Tokyo, Japan.
Watanabe, T. ‘Sustainability in the Central Asian countries’ International Symposium on Challenge and Contribution of Central Asia, 26 June 2007, Nihon University, Tokyo, Japan.
Komatsu, T., Watanabe, T. and Hirakawa, K. ‘Glacial landforms and lacustrine terraces in the Pamir (Tajikistan)’ Annual Meeting of the Association of Japanese Geographers, 20 March 2007, Toyo University, Tokyo, Japan.
Watanabe, T. ‘Current status of tourism in the Pamir, Central Asia, and the necessity of ecotourism development’ Nihon University Symposium on Strategic importance and sustainable development of Central Asia, 22 December 2006, Nihon University, Tokyo, Japan.
Mizushima, K.‘Sustainable development from viewpoint of current status of agriculture in the countries of Central Asia’ Nihon University Symposium on Strategic importance and sustainable development of Central Asia, 22 December 2006, Nihon University, Tokyo, Japan.
Watanabe, T.‘Pamir research of the Japanese group’ UNU/UNEP/GEF PDF-B Sustainable Land Management in the High Pamir and Pamir-Alai Mountains in Central Asia, 30 March 2006, United Nations University House, Tokyo, Japan.
Watanabe, T. ‘Research framework on the Pamir-Alai Central Asia by Japanese team’ 2nd Regional Meeting on the Framework of the GEF/UNEP/UNU PDF B, Initiative on Sustainable Land Management in the High Pamir and Pamir-Alai Mountains, 13-15 June 2005, Dushanbe, Tajikistan.
Watanabe, T. ‘Comparative studies on sustainable use and management of natural resources along N-S transect of Kyrgyzstan-Tajikistan-Pakistan by Japanese team’ UNU International Workshop, 14 February 2005, United Nations University House, Tokyo, Japan.